Friday, March 3, 2017

Did you know?

Did YOU know?

Some interior windshields may develop a thin film, caused by emissions from plastic dashboards

I read that the statement above other day while browsing Facebook. The article was telling me how to clean the film. Emissions from my plastic dashboard??! OMG I never had any idea the plastic emitted anything and if it's traveling onto my windshield that means I am also inhaling it. Which suddenly makes my interior cabin filter on my Toyota seem MUCH more important than it did originally. Gives new meaning to that 'new car smell' too. That smell is probably killing us slowly or giving us cancer right along with those hot dogs and everything else in our cars! 

I'm already stressing about whether I got the job or not, whether my teenager is depressed and that our older son's car just died and is most likely going to the junkyard (once we get a duplicate title since we can't find the damn thing). Or is my plantar fassiwhatever going to be healed for good after ALL this painful physical therapy and when is my bursitis in my hip going to ever stop needing injections quarterly to keep the constant pain under control. 

Yep. Anxiety. It's fun. Not really. Time to make the donuts. So to speak. It's a metaphor.

PS...Don't ask me why everything in this blog is suddenly highlighted because today I have no idea either! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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