Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Easter with Dog Family

     The weather finally has had a string of sunny, warm days. It made for a great time over Easter. We went to a lure coursing practice in Des Moines. Stella got to run about 3 different times and did great. She's still only able to run alone though because she courses the other dog rather than the lure and that's not what you want in a coursing dog. LM's tanodoori got to run the lure for the very first time and she did great up until the end and she decided that the huge rainbow kite that was falling out of the sky was the bunny and she took off running for it rather than stopping for LM to leash her. The field would never have that kind of thing going on simultaneously when you pay for use of the field. That day though they were given permission to use it at no charge since it was not being used. Therefore we couldn't tell the kite flyers they had to exit the field. We did warn them though for their own safety they should keep their distance rather than get run into by a dog going 40 mph. They kept getting the kites a little closer over the field though at the time the rainbow kite began descending. Luckily after that they decided to call it a day and the kite people exited so the rest of the day was glorious.
     There were other Sighthounds that too are new and still working on their recall so a bit of time was spent 'rounding' them up but during their time running around the great big field they were in hog heaven! It's nerve wracking yet delightful all at the same time knowing they are having so much fun. LM's Tandoori even won best run in practice. She looked great too. Unfortunately she's now come into her first season so she'll not be able to run in her first lure coursing trial the weekend after next. That's one of the rules for females. They must not be in season and are wiped the morning of the trial to make sure they are eligible.
     After the practice we were invited for dinner at our wonderful friends SP & AP's house. They have many Afghan hounds and a dog friendly home/yard, so it was a wonderfully relaxing evening with the dogs getting to run the yards together too. Our Stella can be a little persnickety so we weren't sure at first if she'd be bitchy but she did very well. SP's youngest afghan, Kitty & Nigel were extremely well behaved and Tandoori had a blast running with them. She definitely could be a great therapy dog I think with the right training because her attitude is just amazing with animals and people alike, Kinda like S&AP!! Amazing friends who made this one of the best Easter's ever in my book.

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